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2012 Early Bird Membership & Workshops

11/05/2011 3:58 PM | Deleted user
Back by popular demand! 
In order to encourage everyone to get signed up at the end of the yer when things are quieting down, but before Winter hits in full force and we're all busy with the snow and such, we're providing an early bird special rate for all members of the chamber who want to renew, or for any new members who want to join.

Go to the membership page to renew or apply. If you are a current member, just log in using the email you signed up with the chamber, and if you can't remember your password, click on the link for that.

Please sign up before 11/15 to get the early bird discount-- $80 for membership and an ad in the 2012-2013 Visitors Guide. After 11/15 that goes up to $100. I know I can think of all kinds of things I could do with that 20% savings!

Once you have joined, make sure you have the description and information you want on the site so that when people are looking for you or a business that provides what you do, that they find you and all the information they need.  Also, make sure you link to the chamber site from your website, and make sure your website is linked to in your chamber profile. This site is only as good as the information we members provide.

And, we'd love to see you engaged in the chamber; we have so many exciting things going on. Whether it's: well, we have a lot going on, and would love your involvement!

We'll be hosting some workshops this winter:
  • how to make sure your business and any landmarks or events you think are important appear in the Northern California App
  • how to get on the DogTrekker site (and why it's so important)
  • how to spot spam from legit email, and what to do with it
  • how to get a web presence for your business in a way you can afford

We might also host workshops on how to get your digital photos off the camera and into your computer -- and what to do with them once that's done. If you have any ideas for workshops you'd like to see, email us at info@sierracountychamber.com.

Kathy Breed
Sierra County Chamber of Commerce

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