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Sierra County Chamber of Commerce welcomes new Vice President Mary Ervin

06/16/2011 10:33 PM | Deleted user

On Tuesday afternoon the Sierra County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and membership elected a new Vice President, Mary Ervin. Mary is a supporting individual member of the chamber, and we're very lucky to have her join the board. He enthusiasm and can-do-attitude will be well utilized. Mary, a resident of Sierra City, is an active community member, participating in a variety of community-supporting activies all over the county, both east and west side. The chamber is very excited to have Mary join the board and participate in this role. For those of you who don't know her, you'll be able to meet her at the next Chamber meeting.

Our previous VP, Michael Terwilliger will be sadly missed, but we're fortunate to have him very much continue to be a part of the chamber.

Welcome Mary!

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